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The Bible before the judge?!
Are we still allowed to repeat and live the Bible in public? In Finland that is a contested freedom. Finnish politician Päivi Räsänen knows all about that. For five years she has been criminally investigated and charged for tweeting several Bible verses, summarized as: 'Hate the sin, love the sinner'. That is discrimination, sowing hatred, the public prosecutor continues to say and she wants the Supreme Court to consider the case. Räsänen comes to the Netherlands to share her experiences. And also to thank the thousands of people for their encouragement, which I was able to deliver during her case on appeal.
There is also demonstrable concern in Europe about restrictions on freedom of religion and expression. Just think of the undefined Commission proposal to criminalize 'hate speech'. MEP Bert-Jan Ruissen takes us to 'Brussels' and talks about his fight to preserve these freedoms. A panel chaired by Riekelt Pasterkamp will also include House of Representatives member Chris Stoffer, who brings a Dutch perspective. The undersigned will tell you something about CCI's work on these topics.
The entrance fee is €10 per person, €25 per family. You can register via the button below. After completing and sending your details, you will have the option to pay the entrance fee via the link that then appears.
With kind regards, Henk Jan van Schothorst Feel free to call for more information: 06 558 38 607