
"Male and female created he them" - Oral Statement Geneva 24 June on SOGI

24 June 2021

Dear Mr. Madrigal-Borloz,

As director of Transatlantic Christian Council, an ECOSOC-accredited ngo, I thank you for the opportunity to provide input relative to your report on “Gender, sexual orientation and gender identity”.

As your report is not available yet, we refer to your call for input. From the first sentence on gender is introduced as theory, which wording contains the claim of verifiable science. It portrays gender as a social construct or socially created. We believe that gender theory is an ideology. On a scientifical basis we believe that sexes are based on biology. We also believe that God created human beings male and female, according to the Bible in the book Genesis 1:27: [Quote]“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” [Unquote].That has not changed. We also acknowledge that all human beings are captive to their sinful nature in which they are fallen, and are in need of redemption. That is possible because of the coming in the world and the saving grace and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Son of God.

Our critical input asks for a rethink, but is also in the recognition of the inherent dignity of every human being as an image bearer of God, that respects the right of each individual to live, as far as feasible, in liberty. - Thank you.

Henk Jan van Schothorst – Executive Director – Transatlantic Christian Council