
Newsletter September 2021

7 October 2021

Dear Reader,

Three issues primarily required our attention last quarter: 
1.    The passages on abortion, etc., in the EU's proposed agreement with the 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (EU-ACP), 
2.    The input and reporting of the UN expert on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), and 
3.    The unprecedented approach by EU leaders to Hungary for its legislation to protect children from promotion of sex and gender issues away from parents.

Will we in the future be able to decide on the content of education, on life or on our freedom? For a large number of countries, this is currently an urgent question. Also for Christians in the Netherlands. 

Our board member John Van Der Brink describes how society is changing in the US and how important it is that our children continue to develop a Christian view of man and the world. 

Last August, I gave a talk at the NRCEA Teachers Conference in Canada/USA/New Zealand. The theme was: Global Attacks on Christianity and Christian Education. Focus: Gender Ideology and Sexual Education. If you are interested I would be happy to come speak at your school or church on this actual topic.

Decisions from Europe and worldwide treaties force us to act to protect life, family and our freedom.

To be able to do this work thoroughly, we ask for your prayer and financial support and build an effective international network. Will you help us achieve our three-year mission?

With heartfelt greetings,

Henk Jan van Schothorst
Director (Transatlantic) Christian Council International