
CCI presents certificate of appreciation to Hungarian Minister of Family

24 September 2021
In appreciation for your untiring dedication to support life, family, and freedom and to promote Christian values ​​in education and politics. Awarded by TCC/CCI to Prime Minister Victor Orbán handed over to Minister for Families Katalin Novák at #BDSIV #budapestdemographicsummitiv #FamilyKeytoSustainability
Certificate of Appreciation Victor Orban

Henk Jan van Schothorst at the Demographic Summit in Budapest:

In good company here at the Demographic Summit in Budapest #BDSIV heard and reflected on the importance of the family as a key to sustainability. Exchanged ideas and examples of family-friendly policies, including religious leaders, ministers from the region, NGO leaders and heads of state and government:

- Aleksandar Vučić
President, Republic of Serbia
- Mike Pence
The 48th Vice President of the United States of America
- Janez Janša
Prime Minister, Republic of Slovenia
- Andrej Babiš
Prime Minister, Czech Republic
- Milorad Dodik
Serbian Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Viktor Orbán
Prime Minister, Hungary

And they came to this statement:
'The European continent is facing a serious demographic crisis, which is one of the most pressing current challenges in our region.
Each member state must pursue its own family policy, in accordance with its own constitution, traditions and customs.
We, the signatory Heads of State and Government, commit ourselves to using all available means to enable married couples, and in particular young couples, to achieve their family planning goals.'

So: many supporters for the family, also in Europe, of whom we can take an example!

Click here for the social media post with more pictures