
TCC/CCI Business Dinner - "Family, Friends and Freedom" - October 13, 2021

13 October 2021
The frontal attack last June by EU leaders on Hungary's education and family policy could hardly
be missed. Hungary was summoned to kneel before the values of the rainbow flag and otherwise
leave the European Union. These EU leaders went way beyond their remit here!

To see the subtitles, please click the button 'Bekijken op YouTube'


With H.E. Mr. Dr. András Kocsis - Ambassador Hungary in the Netherlands
Wednesday, October 13, 2021 18:00-21:00 hours
De Koningshof, Staartweg 20 on Urk

On DV 13 October, Hungarian Ambassador H.E. Dr. András Kocsis will speak, exclusively for entrepreneurs, on family policy, economics and the future of Europe. From the entrepreneurs' side, Jelle van Veen, director of Dayseaday, will contribute. Henk Jan van Schothorst, director of (Transatlantic) Christian Council International, will present the three-year sponsorship plan 2021-2023 'Free, brave' - for life, family and freedom worldwide. Riekelt Pasterkamp is the moderator of this Dutch evening. There will be plenty of room for conversation and meeting.

Please register soon, there is limited space. You can do this free of charge by sending an email to Besides your spouse, your business colleague is also welcome. Please indicate in the mail how many people you are bringing, stating names and e-mail addresses.

With heartfelt greetings,
Henk Jan van Schothorst
Director (Transatlantic) Christian Council International

Jelle van Veen